Supporting Women through the Menopause as a Fundamental Doorway of Life

One of the things that I love about being an Acupuncturist and Tui Na practitioner is that I never stop learning.  Unlike Western medicine where new research and evidence supersedes the old, in Chinese medicine new information is often simply added to the existing canon.  So that means not only studying the classics, but also keeping up to date with current research.  Western medicine is entirely evidence based, although if you think about procedures like Blood letting by applying leeches, the actual evidence is debatable.  But although controversial, leeches are still used by doctors today.  Some things just work; being able to show how they work, well that’s another matter.

Creating space for a positive experience

Last week I was busy honing my acupuncture and Tui Na skills in London, on a course called Supporting Women through the Menopause as a Fundamental Doorway of Life. Menopause in the West is in may ways still a taboo subject.  Many of the rituals that traditionally helped us through important life changing events, such as entry into manhood/womanhood, menage and menopause, have been lost, leaving us unable to move through the passage of life smoothly.

southend acupuncture menopause

The menopause, ‘the great cleanse’, the end of menstruation when the blood retreats, a powerful rite of passage for women.   This course looked at how Chinese Medicine can provide space, solitude and quietude – all the things Western society doesn’t allow for – to allow women to have a positive experience.  

Acupuncture and Tui Na for the Menopause

Acupuncture nd Tui Na can help with all the symptoms associated with the menopause (including drug-induced menopause):

Hot flushes and sweating

Sleep disturbances

Symptoms of dryness

Emotional symptoms (adrenaline, anxiety, easily stressed, feelings of loss, grief)

Digestive problems (reflux, oesophagitis and epigastric discomfort)

Aches & Pains (joint and muscular aches, feelings of weakness, plantar fasciitis)

Pain in the lower back/sacrum/pelvis/hips

Pain in the neck/nape/shoulders

Head symptoms (headaches and migraines)

If you have any questions about acupuncture, or any of the topics in my blogs, please do contact me.  Find out more about me, or my treatments  here.

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