Acupuncture Therapies
I offer a wide range of therapies that will help you recover the balance in your life. These therapies include supporting:
Muscular skeletal conditions
Back pain and sciatica, rheumatism and arthritis, RSI, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains and strains, stiff and aching muscles.
Digestive disorders
I.B.S., constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion, bloating, hiatus hernia, acid reflux
Gynaecological problems
Painful periods, pre-menstrual syndrome, irregular periods, menopausal syndrome, fibroids, ovarian cysts.
Fertility issues – Male and Female
IVF support and Natural fertility
Running and sports injuries
Neck and Shoulder Tension
IT Band Syndrome
Runner’s Knee
Pulled Hamstring
Shin Splints
Arch Pain
Achilles Tendonitis
Plantar Fasciitis
Respiratory problems
Asthma, coughs, cold and flu, Hayfever