In the UK the weather is always unpredictable of course, particularly at this time of year. It’s never a surprise to have a heatwave one day and a snow storm the next. In the time it has taken me to write this, it has rained then snowed and now it is sunny! So why do some of us struggle so much with seasonal changes when others have no problem at all? Lots of my clients report that their symptoms seem to worsen at this transitional time. Headaches become more acute, arthritic joints swell and throb a little more. And we all have a favourite season, right?

It’s the Year of the Rabbit
According to Chinese tradition it was Spring back in February, and it was ushered in along with the year of the Rabbit 2023. Although I try to be in the moment and live day to day, to be honest with you I’m glad to leave 2022 behind. I found the year of the Tiger exhausting, and just a bit too aggressive for my liking. The last few years have been tough on everyone of course, so I’m relieved to be entering a much more yin phase.
2023 is the year of the water rabbit, which is a double yin whammy as both water and the rabbit are as yin as they come. When we talk of the water element in Chinese medicine, we visualize the dark mystery of the deepest part of the ocean, or the dark side of the moon. There is a certain stillness, but which also has the potential to burst into life, which is the next stage of course, the expansion of the wood element, or Spring time.

What’s 2023 looking like for the Rabbit?
The bunny is a timid creature that is cautious and likes to take its time, so the year of the Rabbit promotes patience, a time to take a step back and assess the situation. Take the time to suss people out. Do they have your best interests at heart?
Take the time to care for yourself this year; prioritize self-care and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eat well, get enough (or not too much) exercise, and rest well. This is the year to take stock of what you already have and make the most of it. This might be regarding where you live or work, or even relationships. It is the year to rest and plan.
What are Rabbits like?
According to the Chinese Zodiac, Rabbits are typically creative, compassionate, and sensitive.
Occupying the 4th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Rabbit symbolizes such character traits as creativity, compassion, and sensitivity. Rabbits are friendly, outgoing and prefer the company of others. They also prefer to avoid conflict. In confrontational situations, Rabbits approach calmly and with consideration for the other party. Rabbits believe strongly in friends and family and lacking such bonds can lead to emotional issues.
Their serene nature keeps Rabbits from becoming visibly upset. Because they’re serene animals, Rabbits are easily taken advantage of. Their sensitive nature makes them shy away from aggressive or competitive situations. They’re overall conservative and not interested in taking risks.
Classy, sophisticated, expressive, well-mannered and stylish, Rabbits enjoy learning about cultural issues and about people from other countries. Rabbits are most comfortable being home, and their homes are always neat and organized. Home is also where Rabbits prefer to entertain. Rabbits are conservative in their decorating tastes.
Rabbits should work at building more self-confidence and self-worth so they can feel more secure. The desire for remaining in safe, comfortable environments keeps Rabbits from taking risks which sometimes causes them to miss out on good opportunities.
Even though Rabbits don’t usually get visibly upset or stressed, they do tend to keep these feelings inside. When they don’t express these feelings, such feelings can cause Rabbits to become ill. Rabbits could benefit from more everyday activity which would reduce their stress levels and better their health.
Rabbits are very sexual, but tend to give more of themselves than they should. This can lead to unrealistic expectations and unhealthy situations. Rabbits need partners who won’t take advantage of their giving nature. Such pairings will be strong.
Rabbits are articulate and good communicators which is why friends and acquaintances seek out their advice. It’s also why Rabbits make excellent diplomats and politicians. Other good careers for Rabbits include: writer, publisher, actor, fashion designer, therapist, doctor, administrator, public relations, and teacher.

If you have any questions about acupuncture, or any of the topics in my blogs, please do contact me. Find out more about me, or my treatments here.